The Message Comes First.
Knowing who the intended audience for a communication piece is just as important as what is said, and the presentation needs to be tailored to match both message and audience, whether the tone be light, humorous, elegant or austere. I take graphic design very seriously and always seek to determine as much as possible before beginning designing, so these questions can be answered, in order to bring clients the very highest, most effective communications pieces, whether for use as printed or web-based materials.
This is the cornerstone of my philosophy. The customer’s message — whatever it is — is the most important element of any design, and bringing the message across effectively is what makes a design a successful one.

Our ad agency has maintained an effective and enjoyable creative relationship with John Ruffi at Eye7 Graphics for a number of years. We particularly value John’s refreshingly creative approaches, his technical expertise, and his great accessibility. It is not unusual for us to request work from him at inconvenient times, and then get it back completed in a hour, overnight, over the weekend, etc. Together with John we have received at least 6 major creative awards for our work.
As an aside we feel that his interest in and impressive knowledge of music has contributed to the creativity he brings to the design table — there’s a fascinating correlation there.
We highly recommend John for both print and electronic marketing communications and graphic arts projects.
Don Christensen
Partner, Director of Account Services
Christensen Tamburri Communications
I worked with John on the redesign and update of our website. I found him to be creative and pleasant while guiding me to decisions on design, and responsive to my requests. Our company is very pleased with the results.
Lucinda Bryant
Marketing Manager
Environmental Waste Management Associates, LLC
know that I can always look to John and Eye7 for the expert creative and design assistance that I need when developing marketing programs for the Bank. The partnership that we have forged over the years has consistently yielded high-quality, high-impact marketing pieces.
Don Reinhard
Vice President, Marketing Manager
Somerset Savings Bank